Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My First Project - SMED Improvement

This was my first exposure to lean manufacturing. At the time I had no idea what so ever about lean. The reason why I choose a project on lean related subject was, somewhat interesting. When I was in the final year, there was a special award for the best overall student in the textile department. The competition for this award was tough and five people out of fifty students were selected considering only our CVs. And I had no issues with this because my CV was filled full with extra curricular activities. Then another three people will be filtered out of five by an interview. Fortunately I could secure my place among the final three contestants.To win the award we had to complete a project successfully within a month and we had to provide the topics which we were interested and then the organizers would find us a place and they would facilitate us to continue the project.
The biggest problem I had was the topic. I had no idea of what kind of project should I choose. One of the main conditions were that it should be an engineering application. when you are talking about engineering, you will most certainly think of building or making something, which I was really not good at. Therefore the only choice I had to take was lean manufacturing.
After I told them about my interested areas (But I had no idea), they wanted me to meet the head of the Lean (In the factory I was allocated had a different name for lean). And he want me to do a project on Quick Change Over (QCO). And he told that I will have to get the theoretical knowledge by my own.